SFX sample experiments

Hi all,

Lately I’ve been experimenting with sample packs,sfx and controllers. This seems to be even better than playing a computer game to me. And today I wanted to share what I found out. I guess many of you know all of this already but maybe someone will get an inspiration to do something creative.

I’ve started to play with plain package with free sfx sample pack but after some some experiments with reverbs, delays, flangers and pitch shifting I decided to move forward.

So I opened Freesound.org and started downloading sounds of animals, ambiances (seawaves, woods sounds,…) and started to put them into transitions – imagine for example a melody played by hooting owls on a seashore as a transition to a liquid drum’n’bass tune starting with soft hihat sound to develop into a tune with the same melody played on synths.

Now do you have in mind something more? It seems that is a nice place for further experiments!